A unique and elite sectoral dialogue under the Chatham House Rule!
NSIC, by bringing together the private sector and public administration on a single platform, addresses practical economic, political, and organizational challenges of the combined defense and resilience sectors, aiming to increase the parameters of national security and ensure sustainable conditions for the development and transformation of individual businesses in the industry.

NSIC is an exclusive meeting place for decision-makers and active players in the national security sector.
We ask difficult economic, organizational, and political questions, striving for practical solutions and recommendations, and we connect NSIC members and partners in unique and effective alliances for the cause.
Include all
necessary parties
We consider understanding different perspectives and viewpoints on a matter to be a critical condition for solving the problem. That is why we ensure the presence of all required stakeholders at the table.
Ask difficult
Challenging the status quo creates opportunities for new openings and additional possibilities in building consensus for common causes. We ask them frequently, in NSIC research and meetings.
Discuss thoughtfully in an exclusive group
We are aware of the highest competencies and best intentions of our members and partners of The Club, confirmed by business, political, and organizational successes. Therefore, our priority is the continuous verification of membership quality and ensuring friendly conditions for discussion under the Chatham House Rule.
Not always
The dynamics of market and geopolitical changes make us sensitive to continuous monitoring of the environment and the need to verify the durability of theses and developed solutions. Therefore, we pay particular attention to the exclusivity and rules of publishing research and conclusions from NSIC members' meetings.
A groundbreaking, multi-faceted assessment of Poland's defense and resilience landscape, conducted through a mixed-methods design
Do you want to influence the national security sector? Join the survey participants!

Casimir Pulaski Foundation
The context of establishing NSIC
20 years of activity of the Casimir Pulaski Foundation (CPF) in the area of international politics and security has resulted in numerous analytical, advocacy, and networking projects, the culmination of which includes the Warsaw Security Forum and reports identifying the international situation, defining trends, and implementing recommendations for government decision-makers and the private sector.
Today, the responsibility and the baggage of this experience oblige us to respond to another, important appeal from the political, military, and business communities, which we clearly interpret as the need to intensify dialogue and practical actions in the economic and organizational field of national security, with the active participation of the voice of businesses that are part of it. Therefore, in the inter-team work of the think tank and numerous consultations with partners and experts cooperating with CPF, we have developed a new, unique but above all elite format of a secure dialogue and network, working for the benefit of its members and government partners.
I am pleased to inform you that in May 2024, the Casimir Pulaski Foundation established the National Security Industry Club, also assuming the honorable role of host and guarantor of the neutrality and expertise of this undertaking.
Mission and promise of NSIC
The current transatlantic and European international situation has a fluctuating and immediate impact on the decisions of the government administration in matters of national security. The effectiveness and, above all, the timeliness of these decisions are derived from multi-source analytical processes and the current policy of the Government of the Republic of Poland.
For the completeness of the recommendations that we, as the National Security Industrial Club, prepare for the public and private sectors, we must critically take into account confirmed and up-to-date data and opinions coming from the boards of companies in the combined defense and resilience sectors.
This is necessary and immediately possible! Because from conversations with decision-makers in the sector, we increasingly hear a paraphrase of what Poland heard in 1997 from the President of the United States (in the context of Poland's accession to NATO), or earlier (in 1505 in the Constitution of Nihil Novi), which I would reduce to the need to plan security policy taking into account the sum of the needs of business and the state's economic policy. Hence - nothing about security without security businesses!
With this undertaking, we therefore become a third party of trust, which has undertaken to study the conditions and coordinate these issues in the unique format of inter-sectoral dialogue, for one common goal - national security.

Join us!

National Security Industrial Club
Warsaw Security Forum
ul. Oleandrów 6
00-629 Warsaw